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How to choose and architect… It’s not as simple as you think

September 21, 2018

If you are embarking on a property renovations project, planning is key. You need to have all the major players in place before you can break ground, including architects, interior designers, builders and surveyors. At SDA Build London, our years of experience working on high-end property renovation projects have taught us the importance of working together and managing all the components that are involved in a property renovation project. So, not only are we building contractors, but we can manage your entire build from start to finish, including helping you choose the right architects, designers and suppliers for your project.

Whilst we have worked with some of London’s most talented and creative architects and designers, we are happy to work with your architect or designer. It’s important that your builders, architects and designers work closely together as a team to achieve your vision.

One of the most important people in your property renovation project is your architect. Without him or her, there is no project. It’s vital therefore, to find an architect that shares your vision, has the necessary skills and creative flair to implement that vision and one that has a working style you can align yourself to.

7 questions to ask when choosing an architect 

(we suggest reviewing at least 3 accredited architects before taking a decision).

  1. Have you worked in the local area?

Architects who have worked in the area are more likely to know the local planning rules and regulations. It’s important that they understand the local authority planning rules and regulations and know the latest building regulations required. If they don’t, their design might be great, but if it can’t be built, your money is wasted.

  1. What are the size of projects you have done in the past?

Depending on the size of your project, you need to find out what kind of work the architect has done in the past. For example, if you need a complete rebuild of a large detached house, you don’t want someone whose biggest project has been a side extension. Make sure you see some of the work they have done first hand and speak to previous clients. Ask detailed questions on the architect’s ability to find solutions to problems that may arise during the build (they always do).

  1. Can you project manage?

It’s one thing to create designs for a property renovation project, it’s altogether another thing to manage all the aspects of the project. You need to find out how the architect works. Does he or she give your contractor all the drawings and leaves it to them to implement, or is the architect hands on, managing the various aspects of the project themselves including the builders, electricians, building control surveyors, etc.? This also depends on how involved you want the architect to be in terms of project management.

  1. Do you have any areas of specialisation?

Again, depending on the kind of work you are doing, you will need an architect who’s experienced in what you need. For example, basement conversion specialists, restoration or preservation specialists, green energy specialists or any other area of expertise that needs specialist treatment.

  1. What would you do with my project?

Whilst you may have an idea of what you want, does the architect make recommendations and suggestions? You can gauge an architect’s interest in a project by the time spent at your property in the first meeting, whether they listen to you and whether they have any immediate suggestions. Don’t expect them to give you all their thoughts before you officially hire them, but you should be able to assess their enthusiasm.

  1. Do you work with a specific structural engineer?

Architects and structural engineers work closely with each other and most architects have their own structural engineers they like to work with. Find out how many projects they have worked on together.

  1. How well do you manage timescales?

One of the most annoying aspects for a contractor is to have to chase architects and structural engineers for drawings and often projects are unnecessarily delayed because the architect has not sent the relevant drawings to your builder. Make sure the architect is responsive via email or mobile and comes back with answers to your queries in a timely manner or you will spend considerable amounts of time chasing for drawings and responses to any issues that may crop up.

Hiring an architect is one of the most important decisions you will make in your property renovation project. Make sure you do your homework by asking for references from previous clients and builders they have worked it. Make sure they are accredited by RIBA or any of the other industry accreditation bodies.

The SDA Build London team work with experienced architects that have a variety of specialisations. If you are thinking about a property renovation project, give us a call on 0208 191 7595 or email us at enquiries@sdabuildlondon.co.uk for a chat.

Why not book a FREE (no obligation) consultation? A member of our team will come around to your property, assess your needs, make some recommendations and provide you with a quote.


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SDA Build London, property renovation specialists, featured in Design Buy Build

September 14, 2018

As leading property renovation specialists in South West London, we are delighted to be featured in this month’s issue of Design Buy Build, one of the UK’s leading building publications.

The article showcases one of our favourite projects where we created a stylish, temperature-controlled wine cellar in the basement. Click here to read more… We are on page 14 at the bottom right.

We are specialists in basement conversions, restorations, loft conversions and extensions, so do give us a call on 0208 191 7595 or email us at enquiries@sdabuildlondon.co.uk if you are thinking about renovating a property.

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refurb renovation news showcases one of our favourite property renovation projects

August 18, 2018

Refurb Renovation News, the UK’s leading refurbishment title, has showcased one of our favourite property renovation projects in South West London. It all started with a subscription to a wine club. Read on to find out more ?

refurb renovation news

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Project Management Checklist

July 31, 2018

When embarking on a property renovation project, being organised and systematic is the first step towards ensuring a smooth process.

Whilst building your dream extension, basement or loft conversion is exciting and you want to start work with all guns blazing, it’s a good idea to slow things down and take your time in planning every little detail. You’ll be surprised about how many fine points you will need to consider.

We recommend starting the groundwork well in advance of when you want the building work to start. For many of our clients that means a year in advance give or take to obtain the necessary permissions, iron out any issues with neighbours and conduct in-depth research on builders, costs, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, decking and all the nitty grittys of your property renovation project.

SDA Build London has created a FREE downloadable Project Management Checklist that might help you plan your project … step by step.

Ready to download

So, what are the aspects of a property renovation project that you need to consider?

The first step is to appoint an architect to create your plans and submit them to your council for planning permission. The architect is a vital member of your team as nothing can progress until the drawings and plans have been approved by the local council. It is advisable to choose a local architect who knows the rules and regulations of your area. If, for example, you live in a conservation area, planning regulations and restrictions will differ from those outside the conservation area. It’s usually the local architects who are aware of do’s and don’ts.

Planning permission approvals take 8 weeks from the date of submission, assuming there are no problems. If your plans need to be amended or your neighbour objects, this 8-week timeline might be stretched until the council, the neighbours and yourself are happy.

You will need a structural engineer to prepare detailed structural drawings so a builder can give you a quote. We’ve sometimes had clients ask us to quote based on planning permission drawings. Whilst we can provide very rough estimates with planning permission drawings, it’s impossible to prepare a detailed quote without structural drawings that tell us how much material we will need to complete your project.

You will also need building control permissions. Building controls are minimum standards for design, construction and alterations to almost every building. You will need to get building control approvals by applying via the Planning Portal. This is usually done or should be done by your architect prior to commencing work. Once you have given a Building Notice or submitted Full Plans, you can start work at any time, but you must give the Local Authority a Commencement Notice at least two clear days (not including the day on which you give notice and any Saturday, Sunday, Bank or public holiday) before doing so.

Do give us a call on 0208 191 7595 or drop us an email at enquiries@sdabuildlondon.co.uk if you’d like a FREE consultation on how we can help plan your renovation project.

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Property renovation almost complete? Now what?

July 23, 2018

Coming to the end of a home renovation is a time of mixed emotions – excitement, frustration, worry and, most of all, impatience to settle back in and have your home to yourself. However eager you are to get back to normal, though, the process will be smoother if you hold off a little. Follow these tips to make putting your home back together as seamless as possible.

Please click here to read the article on Houzz.

Give the SDA Build London team a call if you are thinking about a property renovation project. We’ll be happy to come around for a FREE consultation on what you can and should be doing to enhance your property’s value.  Call 0208 191 7595 or email us at enquiries@sdabuildlondon.co.uk to book an appointment.

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